your memories

stories of love + life

There’s a little pumpkin on the way!

I enjoyed this little family-to-be session so much, you guys! These two were so lovely and we had a lot of fun in the colourful autumn forest near my home capturing this special phase before a couple becomes a little family.
How we met

An emotional summer wedding

You know, sometimes a wedding just blows my mind. And I’m not talking about awesome decoration here (well, that’s also a very important thing, of course), but about emotion. About intimacy and authenticity. With Frances and Patrik, it was just a perfect day, I couldn’t describe it any other way. Everyone was so happy for them and the atmosphere almost burst of love.

7 reasons why you should have an engagement shoot

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to having your photo taken, most people tend to be insecure and quite uncomfortable (including me). You should think that it’s different with photographers, but at least for me, it’s not.

Colombian barn wedding

What I love about Catalina and Anton is that they knew exactly what they wanted for their wedding: They wanted to have a great day along with their loved ones in a stylish and lovingly decorated barn, the colour of the day being lavender (literally). They both live and work in Colombia, but due to Anton’s German roots, they decided to have a destination wedding in Rottweil, Southern Germany.

Vintage wedding in a theatre

When Vanessa and Pascal visited me last year, I knew right away, that this wedding would be amazing. They dreamed of a cosy and authentic wedding with many, many details. And YES, they achieved it – in fact, they exceeded my expectations (Vanessa would say „Told you so!“:D)!

What about YOU?
Let’s tell YOUR story!
Miriam Peuser Photography

© Miriam Peuser Photography.