your memories

stories of love + life

6 tips for natural couple photos

*disclaimer: Ich hab die Weisheit nicht mit Löffeln gefressen und versuche hier nicht, mich selbst und meine Arbeit zu hypen- bin ich auch gar nicht der Typ für. Ich weiß nur, wie ICH es mache und was für MICH funktioniert. Vielleicht ist für den/…
How we met

Festival Greenery Wedding Inspiration

Together with my incredibly talented team, I wanted to create something inspiring, creative and unconventional. Something with coachella vibes and lots of greens.

A vineyard wedding in Heidelberg

Have you ever been to Heidelberg? If you haven’t, you should definitely think about paying this beautiful city a visit! Especially the vineyards caught my eye – I loved strolling through them and seeing all the different coloured fruits. And because it’s such a stunning scenery, Isabell and Sven chose to have their „first look“ right between the endless rows of grapes.

Edinburgh, 2018

Have you ever wandered the streets of a city you’ve never been to before (or at least not consciously) and fell in love with every building, every street corner and detail? Edinburgh did that with me.

Mini family winter session

When Elodie and her husband Tom booked a mini session with me, I was very excited because they didn’t only want to have a couple session, but also some images together with their newborn baby girl, Noemi.

What about YOU?
Let’s tell YOUR story!
Miriam Peuser Photography

© Miriam Peuser Photography.