Tag: winter

Hello, Winter!

Draußen fallen die Schneeflocken, wie in Zeitlupe. Winzig kleine und große, um die Wette tanzend. Ich schaue ihnen zu und frage mich, wie lange sie wohl schon auf ihrer Reise unterwegs sind. Irgendwie magisch, das Ganze – nicht von dieser Welt. Lautlos und wunderschön, wie sie durch die Luft tanzen.

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Blue & Gold Winter Wedding

When two hearts find each other, the one can’t beat without the other. „They are no longer two, but one flesh“ (Matthew 19:4-6). Sarah and Philipp didn’t chose this very popular verse by accident: When Sarah moved to the UK to work there, Philipp followed soon after to my favourite city, London.

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A Winter Editorial

The weather is always a major factor when it comes to a photo shoot. Especially in winter, it is difficult to plan ahead with this unpredictability. And when I picked up Marie from the train station, the expected sun wasn’t there, but instead it was really foggy.

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Miriam Peuser Photography

© Miriam Peuser Photography.